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As Cadets progress through the training year they're required to complete POs (performance objectives) in order to complete star levels and progress onto the next level of training.

Green Star

The Green Star is awarded to a cadet after their first year of participating in as many corps activities as possible.

Red Star

The Red Star is awarded to a cadet after their second year of participating in as many corps activities as possible.  This training level provides the cadet greater opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge obtained during the first two years.

Silver Star

The Silver Star is earned after their third year of participating in as many corps activities as possible.  Cadets must also be successful during assessments of selected skills and knowledge.

Gold Star

The Gold Star is earned after their fourth year of participating in as many corps activities as possible.  Cadets must also be successful during assessments of selected skills and knowledge.

Master Cadet

Master Cadet is earned after their fifth year in a leadership role in the cadet corps.  This program is mainly self-study and requires a great amount of self-discipline to complete.

National Star of Excellence

Starting in your Gold Star training year, you will be participating in the most comprehensive assessment system ever offered to Army Cadets in Canada. The National Star of Excellence (NSE) is an exciting challenge presented to all Army Cadets from the moment they start Gold Star. 

The NSE is not a training level. It is a merit-based system that will be working in parallel to the training levels, practically everything you do as a cadet will now be taken into consideration. 


Your mission is to demonstrate why you should be selected ahead of others for the following: 

Regional, National and International Expeditions 

Advanced Summer Training and 

International Exchanges Promotions and nominations at the corps and at the CSTC Awards

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These pages are not intended to be, nor do they represent in any way official comments,
statistics, or opinions of the Department of National Defence or the Army Cadet League of Canada.

3225 Husky Dr., Halifax, Nova Scotia

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